Freelance Journalist
Flip flops: Pretty Silly
Flip flops are not just a silly wardrobe decision the students of GeorgetownUniversity are making here in November, as the bitter autumn wind bites theirbare little toes. Two days before the 2008 Presidential election, students areflip flopping over who they are going to vote for, and why.
Q&A With Justin Rockefeller from Generation Engage
Justin Rockefeller attended the Democratic National Convention last month and The Denver Post caught up with him on his perspective as a young voter and his new mission, Generation Engage.
Too young to vote, old enough to hope
The youth vote in this November election will be comprised of the 18 to 29 years olds (sorry, I put under 30 in “youth”) who are registered to vote – or can get an absentee ballot sent to them wherever they are.
Introduction to Campus Campaign
So maybe we’re shorter than the rest of America, we cause a little more trouble, and some of us can’t even legally drink a glass of wine. No matter. The American youth today has shining peaks of greatness, and I’m not just talking about the towering and ever-happy world champion Michael Phelps